Having an emergency light on your business place is really important. It gives your employees an efficient escape in case of an emergency. Continue to learn about the emergency lights to ensure your building is safe.

Emergency Lights
Emergency lights must provide enough light to be visible, and your escape routes should always account for power outages during an emergency situation. The type of emergency light your office need depends on its type and operations.
Emergency Exit Signs
Different situation needs different emergency signs and light. Exit signs have requirements that your business must follow, and the word exit must be visible and very easy to read. Most buildings usually used the color bright red for this sign.
Exit signs are used to guide occupants outside of the building safely, however, they also can be used to mark emergency exit routes.
Code Requirements
There are specific codes for exit signs and emergency lights that your business must observe, but you also need to ensure that your lights and signage meet these standards:
All exit pathways are properly illuminated.
Proper exit pathways and exit signs are posted.
Signages and lights are maintained in working order.
Monthly and annual inspections are conducted.